

Use new SAF PP for unmatched flexibility and resilience on the H350

Stratasys has announced a new material, SAF™ PP (Polypropylene), which has been developed in collaboration with BASF Forward AM and is set to become commercially available in Q4 2024. The powder material is compatible with Stratasys’ H350, which offers a fantastic solution for high volume, short production additive manufacturing.

The new material is the optimum choice for the lowest cost per part and leading accuracy among Polypropylene Powder Bed Fusion technologies and offers good durability, chemical resistance, flexibility water and air tightness – all of which make it suitable for applications in automotive, healthcare, consumer sports and more.

Stratasys highlights several specific applications for the upcoming PP-based material, including automotive housings and ducting, shin guards, orthotic devices, watertight pipes and sensor mounts.

Key features of SAF™ PP on the H350 Platform include:
·      Superior aesthetics ensuring uniform surface finishes
·      Consistent quality achieving fine feature resolution and reliable results across large builds
·      Cost efficiency through higher nesting densities and better affordability
·      Optimised for high volume production
·      Enhanced chemical resistance ideal for applications requiring exposure to harsh chemicals
·      SAF PP can be welded to other polypropylene components, expanding its use in modular assemblies.
·      Exceptional sealing properties makes it suitable for applications requiring airtight and watertight performance

Neil Hopkinson, Vice President of Additive Manufacturing Technology at Stratasys says: “With superior nesting ability and a total turnaround time of less than 36 hours, SAF PP lets customers produce hundreds of parts in a single build. This boosts productivity and cost efficiency, delivering high-quality parts at a lower cost.”

It has also been noted by early beta adopters that SAF PP offers exceptional surface quality and the ability to print intricate designs.

If you’d like to find out more about SAF PP or how low-volume production can be made faster and cheaper with the Stratasys H350, get in touch with us today by emailing [email protected] or call us on 01295 672599.