Meet Alex Cuciureanu, 3D Printing Product Specialist
From Romania, via finishing to Laser Lines. Understanding customers’ challenges and providing realistic, practical advice is key for 3D printing specialist Alex
“I came to the UK from Romania to study a Business and Marketing degree at Coventry University and from there joined a finishing company called Acton Finishing. I worked as a purchasing executive for a couple of years and then moved into technical sales. I loved that role and stayed there for four years.
“My jobs have always involved me working with customers and customer service. I was doing more with 3D printing and working with Laser Lines was the perfect opportunity when it came up. I made the jump and have been here for seven months.”
What is your role at Laser Lines?
“I cover the South East and East region of the country. For new customers, I do a lot of site visits to work out what the customers’ needs are and the type of 3D printing technology that would suit them best. For existing customers, I am an account manager, making sure they get any support they need and keeping them up to date with the latest industry developments.”
What is the most rewarding thing about your job?
“The variety and diversity. One day I can be talking to customers about what technology and materials would work best for medical applications in hospitals. The next day I can be talking prototyping in the aerospace industry.
“I love getting to see so many manufacturing companies as I really enjoy meeting people and helping them to solve problems. I have had lots of training at Laser Lines – both its in-house training and also the Stratasys Academy training too. Quite often, I need to think on my feet, so my experience in finishing and the knowledge I have gained at Laser Lines is put to the test regularly!”
What is the question you get asked most?
“Is 3D printing for me and how can it help my business? There is usually an excellent solution available. Explaining how 3D printing can make a real difference to the time and money spent on projects is one of the best parts of my job.
“Sometimes, I can be working with very traditional businesses and it’s great to be able to bring something new to the table that can drastically improve the manufacturing costs associated with creating a part.”
If you would like to discuss your project with Alex, or ask some more questions about which technology best suits an application, email [email protected] or call her on 01295 672551. With the current Coronavirus threat, she is holding regular virtual meetings to discuss projects with existing and new customers.